Sunday, November 19, 2006

FREE Derek Webb

So I have had this new Derek Webb CD for a while and I really can't get enough of it today at least. You can get it 100% free at

One of the great things that has got be back to going on it is the recent posts by the Sojourners interns on the God's Politics Blog. The interns went down to the SOA protests in Georgia over the weekend and have posted some excellent essays on what the experience has meant to them. Derek Webb hits so right on about the radical nature of being a Christian in the United States right now. And if you don't mind a slightly folksy guitar strumming, you might really enjoy the music and the message. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip - I'll definitely check it out. I've always been intrigued by Mr. Webb but have never taken the time to listen. In the meantime, I'll just be pleased with the fact that you and I have the same template for our blogs.

Anonymous said...

uh, that link doesn't work.